Sunday, November 24, 2019

Future of compassion in the context of Artificial Intelligence and Technology

Artificial intelligence is a method of calculation and not a being and hence no element of experience, according to a monk.
In a series of debates and talk programmes designed to stimulate thinking and get the ideas and knowledge flowing, a joint event was organised by the French Embassy in Nepal and beed Knowledge Center on the ‘Future of Compassion in the context of Artificial Intelligence and Technology’ in which the French Buddhist monk and writer Matthieu Ricard – who was in conversation with economist Sujeev Shakya – highlighted that a common platform, even before religion, is goodness and a good heart which is most needed for people to come together despite the challenges of technology. In Ricard’s point of view, artificial intelligence is a method of calculation and not a being and hence no element of experience.
During the conversation, Ricard also admired the resilience of Nepali people as they get through everything in life. “There has not been lasting hatred and believes that it is a part of the Nepali culture,” he added.
Sujeev, on the occasion, emphasised that, technology has encroached our life in an unprecedented level, resulting a conflict with our notion of a shared world and a shared future. For Sujeev, a lot of evolution has taken place over the years and although Buddhism and science have evolved to come together, it has always been about the human mind and people. 
The conversation started with the French ambassador to Nepal François – Xavier Leger giving the opening remarks in the event, where the attendees included heads of Mission and representatives from various embassies, researchers, students and people from the private sector.

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