Saturday, August 17, 2024

FNCCI hails formation of 'Economic Reform Commission'

The Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) has welcomed the Finance Ministry's inclusion of the formation of a high-level economic reform commission in its 100-day programme.

The FNCCI had been demanding a high-level commission to coordinate reforms.

Given the lack of coordination among economic sectors, limited access of the private sector to policy-making levels, and the current need to revitalise the economy in the short- and long-term and achieve sustainable economic development, the FNCCI had proposed the commission to the government.

"I would like to thank the government for prioritising the commission as per the FNCCI's proposal," said president of the FNCCI Chandra Prasad Dhakal.

The FNCCI expresses its gratitude to deputy Prime Minister and finance minister Bishnu Paudel and the Finance Ministry for including this in the 100-day priority. "The FNCCI has also proposed a framework for operating the commission in a cost-effective manner," according to a press note issued by the FNCCI.

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