Tuesday, November 28, 2023

सधैं अनावश्यक किचलो झिकेर रमिता देखाउने गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ खारेज पो गर्ने कि !

सन् २००९ मा ६ घन्टाका लागि जर्मनीका रामप्रताप थापा गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघका (एनआरएनए) अध्यक्ष भए तर देवमान हिराचनले स्वीकार नगरेर चुनावमा नै जाने जिद्दी गरेपछि थापाले छोडिदिए, अनि हिराचन सर्बसम्मत अध्यक्ष भए । त्यतिबेलासम्म एनआरएनएमा चुनाव गर्ने प्रचलन सुरु भैसकेको थिएन । अझ भनौं एनआरएन संस्थागत नभएर एउटा अभियानकै रुपमा थियो । संगठित हुँदै थियो ।

यसबीच लन्डनको थेम्सदेखि न्यूयोर्कको हड्सन नदीमा धेरै पानी बगिसकेको छ । भन्न त बागमतिमा पनि धेरै पानी बगिसकेको छ भन्छन् । तर, बागमतिमा पानीमात्र बग्दैन । साप्ताहिक बागमति सफाइका नारा पनि सुनिन अब छोडिसके । किनकि, नेपालमा सरसफाइ गर्नु धेरै कठिन छ, चाहे नदी होस् वा संघसंस्था ।

वितेका वर्षहरुमा एनआरएनए नेपालमा दर्ता भयो, वालुवाटारमा आफ्नै भवन पनि बनायो, तर संस्थागत हुन सकेन । किनकि, नेतृत्वमा आउन होडबाजी बढ्यो । हरेक चुनाव विवादित हुँदै गए । केहि विवाद बाहिर आए, धेरै आएनन् किनकि गैर आवासीय नेपालीले नेपालमा गरेको लगानी पनि बढ्दै थियो, नेपालभित्र उनीहरुप्रतिको धारणा सकारात्मक थियो । सरकारले एनआरएनका मागहरु पनि पूरा गर्दै गयो ।

नेपालका अन्य सबै संघ संस्था झैं अग्रजहरुका त्याग तथा नियमित संघर्षले संस्थागत भएको एनआरएनए संस्था त बन्न सकेन नै, अभियान पनि आफ्नो मूल बाटोबाट भड्किन थाल्यो । एक पटकका नेपाली सधैंको नेपाली भन्ने नारा जस्तै विदेशका ज्ञान, सीप, प्रविधि तथा पुँजी नेपाल भित्र्याउलान् भनेका गैर आवासीय नेपालीहरु आफ्नै ‘जेनेटिक’ संक्रमणमा परे।

संसारभर छरिएर रहेका एनआरएनएबाट नेपाली समाजले उनीहरुले त्यहाँ सिकेको सीप, संस्कार र देखेको विकासको ज्ञान मातृभूमिमा बाँडेर फेरि काममै फर्केलान् भन्ने हो । तर, उनीहरुले झनै झैझगडा, संकुचित मानसिकता र असभ्यता सिकाएपछि त्यस्तो संस्थाको औचित्यमाथि जनस्तरबाटै प्रश्न उठ्न थालेको छ । जुन स्वाभाविक पनि हो ।

आजका मितिमा एनआरएनए उद्देश्यविहीन नै भएको हो कि झैं पनि देखिन्छ । एनआरएनएमा आफ्नो जीवनको लामो कालखण्ड अर्पण गरेका जुगल भुर्तेल पनि अब एनआरएनए उद्देश्यविहीन भएको स्वीकार्छन् ।

‘जुन उद्देश्यका लागि एनआरएनए संगठन बनाइएको थियो, नेपाल सरकारले कानूनीरुपमा दिन मिल्ने ती करिब करिब सबै पूरा गर्दिसकेका कारण अब एनआरएनएले आफनो उद्देश्यमा पुन:विचार गर्नु आवश्यक छ,’ भुर्तेल भन्छन् ।

नेपाली समाजको मनोविज्ञान किन यति धेरै आत्मपीडक छ, त्यो त समाजशास्त्री र मनोविद्ले बताउलान् । तर, पढेलेखेका विदेशमा बसेका, नेपाल बाहेकका देशको समाज सुनेका मात्र होइन, देखे, भोगेका नेपालीहरु पनि आत्मपीडक हुनु नेपालको विकासमा उनीहरुबाट गरिएको आड भरोसाको पनि अवसान हो ।

संस्था उद्देश्यविहीन भएकै कारण सन् २००९ मा जर्मनीका रामप्रताप थापा एनआरएनएका ६ घन्टे अध्यक्ष भएको त्यहि सोल्टी होटेलमा करिब एक दशक आधापछि सन् २०२३ मा एनआरएनएको नेतृत्वको लागि डा बद्री केसी, आरके शर्मा अनि महेश श्रेष्ठबीच त्रिपक्षीय चुनाव भयो ।

पहिलो पटक भएको भनिएको अनलाइन भोटिङमा केसीले चुनाव जिते । तर, अनलाइन भोटिङमा धाँधली भएको भन्दै आरके शर्मा र महेश श्रेष्ठले समानान्तर समिति बनाए । त्यतिमात्र होइन गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघको घर झगडा बढेर हात हालाहालसम्म पुग्यो ।

संघको कार्यालयमा निर्वाचित अध्यक्ष केसीले युवासंघलाई बोलाएर कब्जा गर्न खोजेको भन्दै आरके शर्मालगायतले विरोध गरेपछि दुईपक्षीय विवादका क्रममा हात हालाहाल भयो । संघको कार्यालयभित्र भएको कुटपिटको घटनामा संलग्न रहेको आरोपमा प्रहरीले उदयपुर घर भएका युवा संघका कार्यकर्ता दीपेन्द्र तामाङलाई गिरफ्तार पनि गर्यो ।

दशौं विश्व सम्मेलनदेखि नै विश्वभरका गैर आवासीय नेपालीको विश्वास गुमाएको एनआरएनएले ११औंमा आइपुग्दा एनआरएनए हुँ भन्न पनि लाज लाग्ने स्थिति सिर्जना भएको धेरै प्रवासी नेपालीको गुनासो छ । तर, आठौं विश्व सम्मेलनमा क्रममा होटल हयातमा भएको सम्मेलनमा होटल प्रशासनले गैर आवासीय नेपालीलाई गरेको ब्यवहार देख्ने तथा भोग्नेहरु विकृति अघि नै सुरु भएर लगातार झाँगिंदै आएको बताउँछन् ।

अब एनआरएनएले आफ्नो उद्देश्यमा पुन:विचार गर्नु आवश्यक भै सकेको छ । किनकि २० वर्षेपछि एउटा संस्थाले स्वाभाविकरुपमा परिवर्तन खोज्छ नै । त्यसमाथि विश्वभर फैलिएको ठूलो संगठनको समयानुकूल संरचनागत तथा सिद्धान्तगतरुपमा परिवर्तन हुन सकेन भने, त्यो स्वत: अप्रासांगिक हुँदै जान्छ ।

पार्श्वभागमा रहेका राजनीतिक दल खुल्लम खुल्ला एनआरएनएको कार्यसमितिमाथि हाबी हुने अवस्था आउनुमा एनआरएनएमा पदका आकांक्षीको महत्वाकांक्षा नै हो । पहिला राजनीतिक दलमात्र हाबी थिए, अब विभिन्न स्वार्थी समूह पनि हाबी हुन थाले, भुर्तेल पनि गुनासो गर्छन् ।

जसरी पनि अध्यक्ष हुनै पर्ने के छ त्यस्तो आकर्षण संघमा भन्दै एनआरएनए विघटनको संघारमा पुगेको धेरै एनआरएनहरुको भनाइ सामाजिक सञ्जालमा छरपष्ट छन् । आफ्नै घरभित्र आफैं सुरिक्षत नहुने संस्था बनाएको भन्दै एनआरएनहरुको आलोचना भए, केसी र शर्मा दुबैलाई संस्थाको शाख गुमेकोमा चिन्ता देखिन्न पनि भन्न भ्याए, एनआरएनएका विश्वभर फैलिएका सदस्य र गैर सदस्यहरुले ।

संघमा राजनीति यति हाबी भयो कि एनआरएनएमा अघिल्लो कार्यकाल कुल आचार्य, बद्री केसी र रबिना थापा तीन जनाले पालैपालो अध्यक्षता गरे ।

ठयाक्कै नैपाली राजनीतिक दलको गलत परम्परा सिको गरेर बनेका तीनै अध्यक्षले पनि संस्थालाई एक बनाएर राख्न सकेनन् । किनकि त्यहि समय पूर्वअध्यक्ष शेष घलेको समर्थनमा विनोद कुँवर अध्यक्ष भएको अर्को एनआरएनए आफनो आधिकारिकता दाबी गर्दै अदालत गएको छ, मुद्दा अझै विचाराधीन नै छ, फैसला भएको छैन ।

एनआरएनएको ११औं विश्व सम्मेलन उद्घाटन सत्रमा गत असोज ३० गते होटेल सोल्टीमा संस्थापक अध्यक्ष डा उपेन्द्र महतोले संघमा तीन अध्यक्ष भएपनि झगडा नभएको भन्दै लाज जोगाउने प्रयत्न त गरे । उनको आशय राजनीतिक दलका नेताजस्तो एनआरएनएका तीन अध्यक्षबिच झगडा नभएको भन्ने थियो ।

तर, संस्थापक अध्यक्ष डा उपेन्द्र महतोको बोली भुईमा खसेको तीनदिनभित्रै कात्तिक २ गते एनआरएनबीच होटेल सोल्टीमा भाँडभैलो भयो । मतदानपछि नतिजा प्रकाशनका प्रकृयाले सुरु गरेको विवादले एनआरएनए भन्ने संस्थाको औचित्य तथा यसको स्थापनकालदेखि हालसम्मका नेतृत्वमात्र नभएर सम्पूर्ण प्रवासी नेपालीको अन्तर्राष्ट्रियरुपमा नै बदनाम भयो ।

नेपालको आर्थिक सामाजिक विकासमा योगदान दिन संगठन नै चहिन्न । किनकि सामुहिकरुपमा वा एक्ला एक्लै प्रवासी नेपालीले नेपालमा लागनी गरिरहेका छन् । सरकारले लागनी गर्ने वातावरण बनाइदिँदा उनीहरुको पहिलो रोजाइ नेपालमा नै लगानी गर्ने रहन्छ ।

त्यसैले एकथरी गैर आवासीय नेपाली भन्छन्, एनआरएनए न त संस्थागत हुन सक्यो, न त अभियान नै रहन सक्ने भयो । संस्थागत किन हुन सकेन भन्दा ललितानिवासको विवादीत जग्गामा बनेको एनआरएनएको विशाल भवनमा बस्ने विशाल ह्रदय भएको नेतृत्व संघले पाउनै सकेन । अभियान किन हुन सकेन भन्दा यसले विश्वभर छरिएका गैर आवसीय नेपालीको प्रतिनीधित्व पनि गर्न सकेन । विश्वभर आफनो पेशा ब्यवसायमा प्रसिद्धि कमाएका तथा गर्विलो जीवन बाँचेका गैर आवासीय नेपालीलाई यसले आकर्षण गर्न सकेन ।

साथै, एनआरएनए ८० लाख नेपालीको साझा संस्था पनि बन्न सकेन, धाँधली गरेर चुनाव हराएको आरोप लागेपछि स्वघोषित अध्यक्ष आर के शर्मा भन्छन् । उनका अनुसार धाँधली भएको अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको नेपाल प्रहरीको केन्द्रीय अनुसन्धान ब्यूरो (सीआईबी)ले समेत चुनावको निष्पक्षतामा प्रश्न उठाएको छ ।

चुनावसम्बन्धी विवादमा बद्री केसीको नेतृत्वको संस्थापन समूहले धाँधली नभएको बरु आर के शर्मा तथा महेश्वर श्रेष्ठको पराजित समूहले अनावश्यक बखेडा मात्रै झिकेको जिकिर गर्दै आएको थियो । तर, शर्माले क्लिकमान्डुलाई भने, ‘सीआईबीले झन्डै एक महिना लगाएर गरेको अनुसन्धानका क्रममा चुनाव निष्पक्ष नदेखिएकाले अनलाइन भोटिङ गराउने कम्पनी भेरो इन्गेजमेन्ट एन्ड भोटिङ सोलुसन’बाट मतदान गरेको स्थान निक्योल गर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता औँल्याउँदै निर्वाचनमा स्पस्ट धाँधली भएको प्रस्ट पारेको छ ।’

चुनावको मत परिणाम सार्वजनिक भएसँगै होहल्ला र नाराबाजीका कारण तनावमय बनेको एनआरएनएको ११औँ महाधिवेशन स्थल होटेल सोल्टीमा महाधिवेशनका बाँकी प्रक्रिया समेत पूरा हुन सकेको थिएन । विवादकै बीच बद्री केसीले कात्तिक ४ गते उनकै पक्षधर निर्वाचन समितिका सदस्य टीबी कार्कीबाट अध्यक्ष पदको शपथ जवर्जस्ती लिएको आरोप शर्मा पक्षको छ ।

त्यसैले श्रेष्ठ र आफू मिलेर सोही दिन नयाँ कमिटी घोषणा गर्न बाध्य भएको पनि शर्माको दाबी छ ।

होटेल हिमालयमा महाधिवेशनको बाँकी प्रक्रिया पूरा गरेको दाबीसहित शर्माको नेतृत्वमा नयाँ कमिटी घोषणा गरेको असन्तुष्ट पक्षले सोही दिन प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालय, परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयका साथै सीआईबीमा निवेदन दिएको थियो ।

दोषीमाथि साइबर अपराधको मुद्दा चलाउनसमेत माग गरेर सीआईबीमा दिइएको निवेदनका आधारमा एक महिनासम्म अनुसन्धान गरेको सीआईबीको प्रतिवेदन प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयका साथै सम्बन्धति निकायमा पनि पुगेको शर्माको दाबी छ ।

उनले निर्वाचनमा योजनाबद्ध धाँधली गरिएका प्रमाणहरू पाइएपछि सोल्टी होटेलमा कात्तिक ३ मा तत्कालीन तीन जना अध्यक्षहरू कुल आचार्य, रबीना थापा तथा बद्री केसीले हस्ताक्षर गरी महाधिवेशनको सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रम तत्कालका लागि स्थगित गर्ने र निर्वाचनमा भएका अनियमितताको दुई साताभित्र छानबनि गर्ने सहमति भएकोमा केसीले हतार हतार सपथ ग्रहण गरेको आरोप लगाए ।

तर, संस्थापन पक्षका अध्यक्ष बद्री केसीले निर्वाचनमा धाँधली नभएको दोहोर्‍याउँदै आरोप पुष्टी भएमा आफूले पदमा नबस्ने बताउँदै आएका छन् ।

‘यदि सीआईबीले केहि कैफियत भेट्टाएको भए, मुद्दामा चलाइहाल्थ्यो नि’, केसीले क्लिकमान्डुसँग भने, ‘चुनावमा आएका विवादमा सहमतीमा नै सबै निर्णय भएका छन् ।’

तर, विवादका बीच परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयले संस्था नवीकरणलाई होल्डमा राखेको छ ।

केहि गैर आवासीय नेपालीको भनाइमा विश्वास गर्ने हो भने बालुवाटारको त्यो भवनमा बस्न पाए, सरकारसँग सहज पहुँच बनाउन सकिन्छ । सरकारसँगको पहुँचले भ्रष्टाचारजन्य कालो धनलाई सेतो बनाउन मद्दत गर्ने, हुन्डीको कारोबार गर्ने अनि मानव तस्करी गर्ने जस्ता नितान्त ब्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ पुरा गर्न पाइन्छ । त्यसैले यो सबै मारमुंग्री हो । जसमा भुर्तेलले भने झैं स्वार्थी समूह लागी पर्नु स्वाभाविक हो ।

तर, गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघको स्थापनाको कथा बेग्लै छ ।

सन् २००३ मा केहि उत्साही गैर आवासीय नेपालीले आफूले विदेशमा सिकेका सीप तथा प्रविधि नेपालमा हस्तान्तरण गर्ने तथा आफू जन्मेको मुलुकमा केहि लगानी पनि गर्ने असल उद्देश्यका साथ संघ गठन भएको हो । तर, स्थापनाको दुई दशकमा नै गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ अप्रासांगिक तथा बदनाम हुँदा पूर्वअध्यक्षहरु दु:खी छन् । तर कोहि पनि मुख खोलेर केहि भन्न चाहन्नन् ।

‘वास्तवमा एनआरएनए यति ठूलो संस्था भयो एउटा अध्यक्षले संस्था धान्न नसक्ने भयो’, भुर्तेल भन्छन् ।

सन् २००३ को अक्टोबरदेखि हरेक दुई वर्षमा गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरूको सम्मेलन काठमाडौँमा हुँदै आएको छ । यसबीच संस्थाले १० जना अध्यक्ष पाइसकेको छ ।

सुरूका वर्षमा सम्मेलनलाई सम्पूर्ण प्रवासी नेपालीले मात्र होइन सरकारले पनि निकै महत्वका साथ हेर्ने यो संस्थाको सम्मेलनले एउटा पृथक तरंग ल्याउँथ्यो । प्रवासी नेपालीले समृद्ध नेपाल बनाउन कसरी हातेमालो गर्ने, नेपालमा लगानी गर्ने, प्रवासी नेपालीहरूको मातृभूमिसँगको सम्बन्धलाई प्रगाढ बनाउने तथा उनीहरूको नेपालसँगको नातालाई जोडिराख्ने एउटा कडी थियो, एनआरएनए ।

स्थापनाकाल सन् २००३ देखि तीन कार्यकालसम्म संस्थापक अध्यक्ष डा उपेन्द्र महतो नै अध्यक्ष रहे । त्यसपछि सन् २००९ देखि २०११को कार्यकालका लागी देबमान हिराचन अध्यक्ष भए भने २०११ देखि २०१३को कार्यकालका लागी जीवा लामिछाने अध्यक्ष भए ।

सन् २०१३देखि २०१५सम्मको कार्यकालका लागी अष्ट्रेलियाका शेष घले अध्यक्ष भए । सन् २०१५मा नेपालमा महाभूकम्प गएको अनि आफ्ना योजना अलपत्र परेको भन्दै उनले अर्को कार्यकाल पनि दोहोराएका कारण सन् २०१७देखि २०१९ को कार्यकालमा भवन भट्ट अध्यक्ष भए ।

त्यसपछि २०१९देखि २०२१ को कार्यकालका लागी कुमार पन्त अध्यक्ष भए । सन् २०२१ मा विवादका कारण तीन अध्यक्ष भए पनि कुँवरको नेतृत्वको अर्को संस्था पनि जन्मेका कारण एनआरएनए फुटतिर गयो । संघमा पूर्वअध्यक्ष हाबी भएको गुनासो गर्ने शेष घलेले नै कुँवरलाई अध्यक्ष बनाएर अर्को एनआरएनए बनाए ।

संसारभर छरिएर रहेका एनआरएनएबाट नेपाली समाजले उनीहरुले त्यहाँ सिकेको सीप, संस्कार र देखेको विकासको ज्ञान मातृभूमिमा बाँडेर फेरि काममै फर्केलान् भन्ने हो । तर, उनीहरुले झनै झैझगडा, संकुचित मानसिकता र असभ्यता सिकाएपछि त्यस्तो संस्थाको औचित्यमाथि जनस्तरबाटै प्रश्न उठ्न थालेको छ । जुन स्वाभाविक पनि हो ।

सन् २०२३ को चुनावपछि अब दुई दशक लामो इतिहास बोकेको संस्थाको औचित्य प्रमाणित गर्न पूर्व अध्यक्षहरुलाई पनि धौ-धौ परेको छ । पछिल्ला वर्षहरूमा संघको चुनावी माहोल र त्यसमा नेपाली राजनीतिक दलहरूमात्र नभएर विभिन्न स्वार्थी समूहको निरन्तर हस्तक्षेपका कारण पनि उनीहरू बोल्ने अवस्थामा छैनन् ।

विश्वभरका प्रवासी नेपालीको अगाडिमात्र नभएर नेपालभित्रै पनि अब कसरी मुख देखाउने भन्ने समस्यामा संघको नेतृत्व पुग्नु निश्चय नै राम्रो संकेत होइन ।

एउटा नेपाली विदेशमा बसुन्जेल त्यो देशको कानुन मान्दछ, हरेक पाइलामा सतर्क भएर हिँड्छ अझ चकलेट खाएपछि त्यसको खोल पनि बाटोमा नफ्यालिकन गोजीमै राख्छ । निश्चित स्थानमा मात्र फ्याल्दछ । तर, त्यहि नेपाली नेपाल आएपछि कानुन नमाने पनि हुन्छ, चकलेटको खोल मात्र होइन, भएभरका सबै फोहोर जहाँ मनलाग्यो त्यहि फयाल्छ ।

नेपाली समाजको मनोविज्ञान किन यति धेरै आत्मपीडक छ, त्यो त समाजशास्त्री र मनोविद्ले बताउलान् । तर, पढेलेखेका विदेशमा बसेका, नेपाल बाहेकका देशको समाज सुनेका मात्र होइन, देखे, भोगेका नेपालीहरु पनि आत्मपीडक हुनु नेपालको विकासमा उनीहरुबाट गरिएको आड भरोसाको पनि अवसान हो ।

त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलबाट बाहिर निस्कनासाथ विदेशमा सिकेका ज्ञान, सीप, बुद्धिविवेक अनि सामाजिक मर्यादा छोडेर पक्का ‘नेपालीबाबु’ बन्न के ले अभिप्रेरित गर्दछ, यस बारेमा पनि गहन अध्ययन आवश्यक भैसकेको छ । किनकि एनआरएनएले माने पनि नमाने पनि यो अब एउटा संगठनमात्र भएर रहन सक्दैन ।

यसका लागि भुर्तेलको विचारमा संगठनमा एउटा ठूलो ‘अपरेसन’ आवश्यक छ । कसले त्यसको नेतृत्व गर्दछ, त्यो त समयले बताउला ।

त्यतिमात्र होइन, अब एनआरएनएले आफ्नो उद्देश्यमा पुन:विचार गर्नु आवश्यक भै सकेको छ । किनकि २० वर्षेपछि एउटा संस्थाले स्वाभाविकरुपमा परिवर्तन खोज्छ नै । त्यसमाथि विश्वभर फैलिएको ठूलो संगठनको समयानुकूल संरचनागत तथा सिद्धान्तगतरुपमा परिवर्तन हुन सकेन भने, त्यो स्वत: अप्रासांगिक हुँदै जान्छ ।

त्यसैले एनआरएनए भित्रको अहिलेको संघर्षलाई सकारात्मकरुपमा लिएर अब विश्वभरका नयाँ सोच भएका दोस्रो पुस्ताका गैरआवासीय नेपालीलाई जोड्दै संस्थाको उद्देश्यमा पुन:विचार गर्ने यो उपयुक्त समय हो ।

नेपालको आर्थिक सामाजिक विकासमा योगदान दिन संगठन नै चहिन्न । किनकि सामुहिकरुपमा वा एक्ला एक्लै प्रवासी नेपालीले नेपालमा लागनी गरिरहेका छन् । सरकारले लागनी गर्ने वातावरण बनाइदिँदा उनीहरुको पहिलो रोजाइ नेपालमा नै लगानी गर्ने रहन्छ । तर, संस्था हुँदा विश्वभरका नेपालीहरुलाई बाँधिरहन सक्छ । 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Government honours taxpayers, Vijaya Kumar Shah highest taxpayer

The government has honoured the largest taxpayers in 16 different categories, on the occasion of closing ceremony of Tax Week.

Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat today honoured the largest taxpayers from various sectors at the closing ceremony of the Tax Week organised on the occasion of the National Tax Day 2080, at the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). 

The liquor king Vijaya Kumar Shah -- founder and group chair of Jawalakhel Group of Industries (JGI) -- became the largest individual income taxpayer for second consecutive year, though it is the third time Shah has been honoured.

Nepal Telecommunications Company (Nepal Telecom) became the largest institutional income taxpayer for the fiscal year 2078-79 BS (2022-23), according to the IRD.

Though, the IRD has been celebrating the Tax Day on Mangsir 1 (November 17 this year) since last 12 years, the department has missed the day this year, and organised the felicitation programme on the last day of the Tax Week, today. The director general of IRD Dirgha Raj Mainali and revenue secretary Dr Ram Prasad Ghimire were absent at the programme, as both of them are out of country.

Likewise, Dabur Nepal, Asian Paints, OBC Foods and Feeds Company, Chhimek Microfinance Financial Institution and Global IME Bank are also honoured for being the largest taxpayers in different categories.

Life Insurance Company Nepal, Nobel Medical College, Manakamana Darshan and Bhatbhateni Super Market are also the largest taxpayers.

The government also honoured Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) and Bhotekoshi Hydropower Company among the medium taxpayers category, ranging from Rs 500 million to Rs 1 billion.

The government also honoured IME Ltd and Surya Nepal was also honoured for paying the highest income tax, value added tax (VAT), excise duty and paying VAT of five years on time. 

The government also decided to provide a special identity card -- for a period of one year -- for the largest taxpayers, according to finance secretary Dr Krishna Hari Puskar Karna. "The process of distributing identity cards to the largest taxpayers will start today," he said, responding to the vice chair of Surya Nepal -- which has been recognised with two felicitations -- Rabi KC, who asked the government to let them have special pass to enter the Singh Durbar, the seat of power. 

The largest taxpayers for fiscal year 2022-23

Highest Income Tax Payer (Institutional): Nepal Telecom

Highest Income Tax Payer (Individual): Vijaya Kumar Shah (Jawalakhel Group of Industries)

Highest Inland Taxpayer: Surya Nepal

Highest VAT Payer: Surya Nepal

Export Trade: Dabur Nepal

Special Industries: Asian Paints

Agriculture and Livestock Industries: OCB Foods and Feeds

Cooperatives/Microfinance: Chhimek Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha

Banks/Finance institutions: Global IME Bank

Insurance: Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal)

Health/Educational Institutions: Nobel Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Tourism: Manakamana Darshan

Commodities Trade: Bhat-Bhateni Supermarket and Departmental Stores

Medium Scale Taxpayers: Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse)

Energy: Bhotekoshi Power Company 

The largest individual taxpayers

2012 -- Prithvi Bahadur Pandey

2013 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2014 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2015 -- Dr Upendra Devkota

2016 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2017 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2018 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2019 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2020 -- Vijaya Kumar Shah

2021 -- Siddhartha SJB Rana

2022 -- Vijaya Kumar Shah

2023 -- Vijaya Kumar Shah

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

World Bank and Global Fund for stronger collaboration to tackle the impact of climate change on health

The World Bank and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (the Global Fund) today signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining how the two organisations will work together to strengthen health systems in countries of the Global South.

The goal is to support more efficient, effective, and sustainable financing to improve health outcomes in the face of climate change, according to a press note issued by the multilateral development partner.

Latest estimates show that more than half of the global population is not fully covered by essential health services and the climate crisis will only increase the demand for effective services, especially for the most vulnerable people.

“We cannot make adequate progress on public health while rising temperatures change the patterns of infectious diseases and breed pandemics,” World Bank president Ajay Banga said, adding that the only option is to respond aggressively, simultaneously, and comprehensively. "This partnership with the Global Fund is another step forward in our effort to recruit partners and build the coalition that is needed to deliver impact.”

Specifically, the two organisations will work together on climate and health priorities to reduce the burden of malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis (TB) through stronger health systems, including better access to primary healthcare services for the most vulnerable populations. The World Bank estimates that 132 million people may be forced into extreme poverty by 2030 due to climate change; one-third are the result of climate-related health risks disproportionately affecting the poorest and most vulnerable people.

“To stand a chance at achieving the targets of ending AIDS, TB and malaria, we must redouble our efforts to fight these diseases," executive director of the Global Fund Peter Sands said, adding that it includes investing to build health systems that can withstand the effects of climate change. “With malaria serving as an early tracer of the impact of climate on health, we need intensive interventions and strong partnerships to reverse the negative impact of climate change on health.”

Importantly, the two organisations will also advocate for increased financing for health and building country capacity for more efficient and sustainable financing across health systems, including for HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria. The goal is to make better use of scarce domestic and international health resources, including through better public finance management in countries. The two organisations will also use various financing modalities, including joint investments and blended finance, and collaborate on joint investments.

Another area of joint focus will be on strengthening the regional production and procurement of health supplies, including drugs and medical devices. Access to essential health supplies is necessary to ensure preparedness and strong and resilient health systems. The organisations will help localize health supply chains by supporting sustainable manufacturing in Africa and low- and middle-income countries.

Since 2017, the World Bank and the Global Fund have supported many countries by investing with blended finance transactions. For example, a loan buydown in India helped increase financing for TB care and prevention. In Indonesia, innovative buydown funding was linked to improved detection of TB cases, better treatment coverage, and reforms in provider payments to incentivize primary care. In Haiti, co-financing increased the use of primary healthcare services and strengthened disease surveillance. And in The Gambia, direct co-financing supported strengthened health systems for HIV/AIDS and TB.

The Global Fund is a worldwide partnership to defeat HIV, TB and malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

निजी क्षेत्रसँग संवाद गर्न उद्योग वाणिज्य प्रवर्द्धन संवाद परिषदलाई पुनर्जीवित गर्ने प्रधानमन्त्रीको वाचा

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ले सरकारले आजैबाट अर्थतन्त्र सुधारका काम थाल्ने प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका छन् । सिंहदरबारमा राजनीतिक दल, निजी क्षेत्र र सरोकारवाला निकायसँग वर्तमान अर्थतन्त्रका समस्या समाधानबारे मंगलबारको छलफलपछि स्थायी संरचनामार्फत निजी क्षेत्रका समस्या सुन्ने र निराकरण गर्ने पनि उनले वाचा गरे ।

छलफलपछि प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले निजी क्षेत्रका गुनासा सम्बोधन गर्न सरकारको स्थायी संयन्त्रलाई परिचालन गरिने बताए । यसअघि उच्चस्तरीय संयन्त्र भन्दै आएका प्रधानमन्त्रीले स्थायी सरकारी संयन्त्रमार्फत नै निजी क्षेत्रका गुनासा सम्बोधन हुने बताएका हुन् ।

प्रधानमन्त्रीको अध्यक्षतामा रहेको उद्योग वाणिज्य प्रवर्द्धन संवाद परिषदलाई पुनर्जीवित गरि नियमित बैठक बस्ने र त्यसैलाई क्रियाशील बनाइ निजी क्षेत्रसँगको सम्बाद नियमित बनाउने उनको प्रतिबद्धता थियो ।

साथै, अर्थतन्त्रका समस्या समाधान, ब्याजदर घटाउन अध्ययन, ऋण तिर्न नसक्नेको हकमा पुन:संरचना र सहकारी तथा लघुवित्तका समस्या समाधानका लागि पहल गर्ने तथा सहकारीको नियमनका लागी नियामक निकाय बनाउने,पनि उनले प्रतिबद्धता जनाए ।

कर प्रणाली सुधार आयोगले दिएको सुझावका आधारमा निजी क्षेत्रसँग छलफल गरी कर प्रणालीमा सुधार गर्न पनि प्रधानमन्त्री तयार देखिएका छन् । राष्ट्रिय प्राथमिकताप्राप्त आयोजनाहरु बूढीगण्डकी, कर्णाली-चिसापानी, माथिल्लो अरुण, निजगढ विमानस्थल निर्माणको कार्यलाई तीव्रता दिनुका साथै क्रिकेट रंगशालालाई पनि गौरवको आयोजनाका रुपमा अघि बढाइने प्रधानमन्त्रीले बताएको छलफलमा सहभागिले बताए ।

निर्माण व्यवसायीको बक्यौता भुक्तानीका लागि पहल गर्ने, पुँजीगत खर्च बढाउन सबै मन्त्रालयले सक्रियतापूर्वक कार्य गर्ने, जनताको मनोबल बढाउने कार्य गर्ने र वित्तीय अनुशासन कायम राख्न पहल गर्नेजस्ता विषय प्रधानमन्त्रीले निजी क्षेत्रसमझ राखेका थिए ।

प्रदेशमा अधिकार हस्तान्तरण तथा प्रदेशलाई प्रभावकारी बनाउन ऐन नियम संशोधन कार्य अघि बढाउने पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीले जानकारी गराए । निजी क्षेत्रका सुझावलाई मध्यनजर गरी नीतिगत रुपमै खुकुलोपना अपनाउने प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले बाचा गरे ।

प्रमुख प्रतिपक्षी दल नेकपा एमाले अनुपस्थित भएको छलफलमा सहभागी अन्य राजनीतिक दलका नेताले सरकारलाई अर्थतन्त्रलाई चलायमान बनाउन निजी क्षेत्रको साथ लिन सुझाव दिए ।

सरकारले निजी क्षेत्रको उपसिथ्तीमा अर्थतन्त्रको बारेमा पहिलो पटक यति लामो अर्थात् चार घन्टा लामो छलफल गरेको भन्दै निजी क्षेत्र खुसि भए पनि सधैं झैं प्रतिबद्धतामात्र आएकोमा खुसि हुने कि नहुने द्धिबिधा रहेको पनि केहि सहभागीले बताए ।

तर, छलफलपछि सञ्चारकर्मीहरुसँगको कुराकानी गर्दै निजी क्षेत्रका अगुवाले निजी क्षेत्रसँग सरकारले थालेको अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान बनाउन छलफल सकारात्मक भएको बताए ।

नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघका अध्यक्ष चन्द्रप्रसाद ढकालले सरकारले अर्थतन्त्रलाई चलायमान बनाएर गति दिने विषयमा निजी क्षेत्रसहित सरकारका विभिन्न निकायहरुसँगको छलफलले अर्थतन्त्रमा सुधार ल्याउने संकेत देखिको बताए । नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघकै अग्ुवाइमा छलफल भएको भन्दै ढकालले सरकारका सबै निकायमा रहेको नीतिगत कमजोरीहरु समन्वयात्मक हिसावले समाधान गरी अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान बनाउने विषयमा सकारात्मक भएको जानकारी दिए ।

उनले सरकारसँगको छलफलले आगामी दिन आम नागरिक र निजी क्षेत्रको मनोबल बढाउने काम गर्ने विश्वास ब्यक्त गरे ।

अहिले अर्थतन्त्रमा देखिएको समस्याले आम नागरिकको मनोबल कमजोर भएको, साना तथा मझौला उद्योग र साना पसलहरु पलायन भएर गएको, अनि नेपालमा व्यवसाय गर्ने भन्दा पनि विदेश जाने योजना बढी बन्न लागेको अवस्था रोक्नु सरकारको प्रमुख दायित्व रहेको भन्दै ढकालले अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान बनाउन पुँजीगत खर्च वृद्धि र निर्माण सम्पन्न भएका आयोजनाको भुक्तानी दिनृे वाचा गर्नु सकारात्मक भएको बताए ।

यस्तै, राष्ट्र बैंकले कर्जाका सहुलियतको व्यवस्था गर्ने विषयमा सरकार सकारात्मक भएको तथा सरकारले बैंकको कर्जा लिएर कर्जाको किस्ता तिर्न अफ्ठ्यारो भएको भए सहुलियत दिने विश्वास रहेको पनि उनले जनाए ।

यसैगरि, सरकारले नीतिगत स्थिरता ल्याउनसके अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान हुने पनि निजी क्षेत्रको विचार छ । सरकारको अस्थिर आर्थिक नीतिको कारण अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान बन्न नसकेको भन्दै निजी क्षेत्रले अन्तर सरकारी समन्वय बढ्दा अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान हुने विश्वास ब्यक्त गरे ।

निजी क्षेत्रको आत्मविश्वास बढाउने कसरतमा सरकार, प्रधानमन्त्रीले प्रतिस्पर्धी बजार बनाउने आँट गर्लान् ?

लामो समयको रस्साकस्सीपछि सरकार अर्थतन्त्रको विषयमा संवेदनशील हुन थालेको देखिन्छ । एकातिर प्रतिपक्षी नेकपा एमाले सरकार गिराउन विवादास्पद व्यवसायि दुर्गा प्रसाईसँग भिड्ने दाउ खोजिरहेको छ भने अर्कोतिर आम जनतामा विशेषतः युवामा सरकारप्रति चरम निराशा छ ।

सरकारमा रहेका राजनीतिक दलको असफलतालाई जोडेर गणतन्त्र तथा संघीयता नै खराब भन्ने भाष्य बनाउन केहि दक्षिणपन्थी पनि दुर्गा प्रसाईंलाई अगाडि धकेल्दै छन् । विभिन्न कोणबाट आएका लगातारको दृष्य तथा अदृष्य दबाबले प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल आफैं पनि आत्मविश्वास गुमाउँदै छन् ।

शुक्रबार तनहुँको आँबुखैरेनी गाउँपालिकाद्वारा सञ्चालित आँबुखैरेनी अस्पतालको समुद्घाटन गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले गठबन्धनको एकता धेरै बलियो भएको बताउँदै आफूलाई एक महिना पनि जाँदैन भन्नेहरू रहेको तर, राम्रो काम गर्दा ११ महिनासम्म सहजै आएको बताए । उनकै भनाइबाट पनि स्पष्ट हुन्छ, प्रधानमन्त्रीको अन्तर्मनमा अझै पनि आफू सत्तामा टिकेकोमा गर्व छ ।

हुनत नेपाली राजनीतिमा सत्तामा टिक्न कस्ता कस्ता सम्झौता भए भनेर सोच्ने हो भने लामै फेहरिस्त बन्छ । राजनीतिमात्र होइन, नेपालका सबै राजनीतिज्ञ प्रतिको आजको चरम विकर्षण त्यसैको कारण हो । त्यतातिर नजाउँ ।

तर, सत्तामा टिक्न सम्झौता गर्दै गर्दा, आम जनताका दैनिन्दिनका समस्यामा ध्यान दिन चुकेको अझ थप समस्या निम्त्याइएका धेरै उदाहरण छन् । सरकारले नीतिगत भ्रष्टाचार गरेका कारण बजारमा अनुचित महँगी बढ्दा सरकारले कारवाहि गर्न नसकेको अथवा गर्न नचाहेको मात्र होइन, सरकारले लिएको प्रिपेड घुसको पैसा जनताको खल्तीबाट तिराएका कारण पनि राजनीतिज्ञ अनि राजनीतिक व्यवस्था नै बदनामा भएको कुरामा कुनै शंका छैन ।

यसैबीच, अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान बनाएर आर्थिक कृयाकलापमा जनताहरुलाई विशेषत युवालाई ब्यस्त बनाउन सके नियन्त्रित प्रजातन्त्र तथा नियन्त्रित अर्थ ब्यवस्था लाद्न सकिन्छ कि भन्ने उत्तरी छिमेकीको पदचिन्ह पछ्याउने सरकारी तयारी हो कि भन्ने निजी क्षेत्रको त्रास छ ।

त्यसको लागी नियन्त्रित निजी क्षेत्र पनि अनिवार्य शर्त हो । निजी क्षेत्रको नियन्त्रणबाट प्रजातन्त्र पनि नियन्त्रितरुपमा चलाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने दक्षिणी छिमेकीको उदाहरण पनि भएका कारण सरकार उदार र प्रतिस्पर्धी अर्थतन्त्रभन्दा नियन्त्रित अर्थतन्त्रतर्फ अगाडि बढेको निजी क्षेत्रको आशंका छ ।

तर, सोमबार अर्थ, गृह, भौतिक पूर्वाधार, सहरी विकास, उर्जा, जलस्रोत तथा सिंचाई मन्त्रालयका मन्त्री तथा सचिव र नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक, राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोग, धितोपत्र बोर्डका नेतृत्वहरुसँग प्रधानमन्त्रीले बालुवाटारमा तीनघन्टा लामो छलफल गरेपछि मंगलबार प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालय सिंहदरबारमा निजी क्षेत्रको गुनासा सुन्ने भएका छन् ।

आफनो सरकारले अर्थतन्त्रलाई क्रमशः सुधार गरेको दाबी गर्ने प्रधानमन्त्रीले के प्रतिस्पर्धी निजी क्षेत्र बनाउन सघाउलान् कि सरकार नियन्त्रित निजी क्षेत्रको परिकल्पनालाई साकार रुप दिने गृहकार्य गर्लान् हेर्न बाँकि नै छ ।

तर, निजी क्षेत्र आफैं पनि यतिखेर नीतिगत अलमलमा छ । निजी क्षेत्रको पहिलो गुनासो चर्को ब्याजदर हो । तर चर्को ब्याजदरको बिरोध गरिरहँदा निजी क्षेत्रले उद्योग ब्यवसायमा ब्याजदरको भार कति हो र कसरी ब्याजदरका कारण उद्योग ब्यवसाय पीडित भए भन्ने स्पष्ट पार्न प्रधानमन्त्री समक्ष तथ्य तथा तथ्यांक पनि प्रस्तुत गर्लान् नै ।

चर्को ब्याजदरभन्दा पनि खतरनाक समस्या प्रतिस्पर्धाबिहीन बजार हो भन्ने कुरामा निजी क्षेत्रले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई कति बुझाउन सक्छ, त्यसैले नेपालको निजी क्षेत्रमात्र होइन अर्थतन्त्र कता जान्छ र कसरी अगाडि बढ्छ निर्क्यौल हुने देखिन्छ ।

माने पनि नमाने पनि नेपाली अर्थतन्त्र आजका मितिसम्म कोल्याप्स नहुनुका पछाडि खुला बजार र त्यसले सिर्जना गरेको प्रतिस्पर्धा नै हो । प्रतिस्पर्धाका कारण बजारमा वस्तु तथा सेवाको मूल्य घट्ने तथा गुणस्तरमा सुधार आउँछ । तर, नेपालमा विभिन्न वादका सरकारहरु बन्दै गर्दा ठिमाहा प्रकृतीको खुला बजार प्रबद्र्धन गरिएका कारण सरकार तथा आमजनता दुबै ठगिएका छन् ।

सरकारले बजारमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्ने तथा आमजनता अनि सरकार आफै पनि राजश्व नठगिने वातावरण बनाउन प्रधानमन्त्रीले कसरी सहजीकरण गर्न सक्छन्, त्यसैमा सरकारको सफलता अथवा असफलता निर्भर रहन्छ । एकातिर सरकारले लक्ष्य अनुरुपको रावश्व उठाउन सकिरहेको छैन भने अर्कोतिर सरकार खर्च गर्न पनि असमर्थ छ । अझ स्पष्टरुपमा भन्ने हो प्रतिस्पर्धी बजार नबनाएका कारण सरकार लगातार राजश्वमा ठगिएको छ । राजश्व चुवाहट बढेका कारण राजश्वको लक्ष्य भेट्न मुश्किल परेको छ । अनि पैसा नभएका कारण विकासका काममा खर्च गर्न सरकारलारई हम्मे परेको छ ।

त्यसैले अर्थतन्त्र संकुचनमा गइरहेको निजी क्षेत्रको आरोप छ । तर, अर्थ मन्त्रालयका अनुसार भने गत आर्थिक वर्षको पहिलो त्रैमासको तुलनामा चालू आवको पहिलो त्रैमासमा पुँजीगत खर्च २२ प्रतिशतले बढेको छ ।

यसैगरि, लक्ष्य नभेटेपनि राजश्व बृद्धिदर पनि सन्तोषजनक रहेको अर्थमन्त्रालयको दाबी छ ।

विदेशी लगानी पनि गत आवको पहिलो त्रैमासभन्दा चालू आवमा बढि आएको अर्थमन्त्रालयको तथ्यांक छ । गत आवको पहिलो त्रैमासमा १ अर्बभन्दा कम वैदेसिक लगानी नेपाल भित्रिएकोमा चालू आवको पहिलो त्रैमासमा ३ अर्ब हाराहारी भित्रिएको छ ।

यसैगरि, गत आवको पहिलो तीन महिनामाभन्दा निजी क्षेत्रमा गएको बर्जा पनि दोब्बर भएको छ । यसरी सरकारले अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान हुन लागेको दाबी गरेको छ ।

अर्थतन्त्रमा आज देखिएको समस्या रातारात आएका होइनन् । तर, पछिल्लो एक दशकको आर्थिक बृद्धीदरको औसत् ४ प्रतिशत हाराहारीमात्र रहेको कारण पनि वर्तमान सरकार दबाबमा छ । अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान नहुनु, रोजगारीको अभावमा युवा विदेश पलायन बढ्नु तथा सरकारको खर्च गर्ने क्षमतामा वृद्धि नहुनुका कारण पनि निजी क्षेत्रले सरकारलाई अर्थतन्त्र सुधारमा दबाब दिन थालेका छन् ।

त्यसमाथि पछिल्लो समय आन्तरिक तथा बाह्य कारणले बढ्दो महंगीका कारण सर्वसाधारणको जीवनयापनमा समस्याग्रस्त बन्दै गइरहेको छ ।

Saturday, November 18, 2023

TikTok users protest against government ban

TikTok users today protested against the government decision to ban the app.

Expressing their displeasure against the government’s decision of banning the popular social media application, the TikTok users gathered at Maitighar Mandala and protested against the government's decision.

They argued that the government has curtailed their right to freedom of expression by banning the video-sharing site TikTok. They also advised the government not to be afraid of TikTok users and demanded immediately lifting the ban.

Claiming that TikTok has had a negative impact on social harmony, the government -- on November 13 -- banned the TikTok, which is being used as a social networking site in Nepal. The government also accused TikTok of not cooperating with it to minimise such activities and take action against those involved.

After the government banned TikTok, the platform wrote a letter to the Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA), stating that it was surprised by the government ban. “We provided the Nepal government access to the ‘Trust and Safety Enforcement Tool,’ a portal for direct content removal requests as per Nepal’s laws. Furthermore, we registered as a digital service taxpayer,” TikTok said in its letter.

The Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA), coming into immediate action -- which is very unlikely in Nepal -- ordered all the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to ban the application. The telecommunication sector regulator ahs also formed a technical committee led by director Bijay Kumar Rai for the effective implementation of the government's decision to ban TikTok in the country.

However, on Friday, as many as 10 writ petitions have been filed at the Supreme Court challenging the government’s decision to ban the TikTok.

According to the Supreme Court, the apex court will conduct an initial hearing on the petitions on Monday.

Two elderly men succumb to cold in makeshift shelters in Jajarkot

As the government's negligence reached the pick, additional two quake-hit elderly men died of cold today.

"Two elderly people living in makeshift tarpaulin shelters in Jajarkot passed away due to cold weather today," confirmed Barekot Rural Municipality chairperson Bir Bahadur Gurung. 

The deceased have been identified as Dhuleshwar Karki of Bheri Municipality-2 and Narendra Bahadur Singh of Jiri in Barekot Rural Municipality-4. Both were living in makeshift shelters after their homes were damaged by the earthquake.

According to Gurung, both Karki and Singh were asthma patients, and the cold weather aggravated their health.

More than 34,000 people in Jajarkot are living in makeshift tarpaulin shelters as the earthquake has rendered their houses inhabitable, with the elderly, children, and new mothers being the most affected.

Despite huge relief materials and hefty cash assistance from inside and out of the country, the governments failed to manage the distribution of relief materials, especially in the cold season.

According to the chief district officer (CDO) of Jajarkot Suresh Sunar, children, new mothers, chronically ill, and the elderly living in makeshift shelters are more affected. "Two chronic patients living in makeshift shelters died due to cold in Nalgad-4 last week," he said, claiming that they are taking needful initiatives to manage the situation. But the death of citizens exposed their inefficiency and negligence towards the people. 

The government has already collected a fund of Rs 152.80 million for helping the victims of the Jajarkot earthquake.

According to spokesperson at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministries (OPMCM) Narayan Prasad Bhatta, the amount has been collected in the Prime Minister Natural Disaster Relief Fund. Though, the government claimed to utilise the amount for supporting the victims of the Jajarkot earthquake that hit the area two weeks ago, people are suffering, especially due to cold weather, and failed to provide respite to the quake-affected.

The tremor had claimed 153 lives and left hundreds of others injured and homeless.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

EU to provide Nepal Rs 289 million in humanitarian aid

The European Union (EU) is providing approved a €2 million (approximately Rs 289 million) aid package for the earthquake-affected people in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts.

“Following the earthquake that struck Nepal earlier this month, the EU has approved a €2 million aid package to bring relief to the most affected people, according to a press note issued by the EU Brussels. "The EU approved the aid package to provide shelter, access to clean water and sanitation, and healthcare, among other services to the survivors of the recent Jajarkot earthquake."

The support package includes €600,000 (Rs 86 million) financial aid for humanitarian partners already providing assistance in affected areas, the press note reads, adding that, in addition, €200,000 (Rs 28 million) has been allocated to the Nepal Red Cross Society, via the Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). "The EU will also mobilise in-kind assistance from its European Humanitarian Response Capacity (EHRC), worth €1.2 million (Rs 173 million), which will include tents and winterisation kits that will be sent from the EU’s stockpile in Kuala Lumpur, to address the crucial shelter needs of vulnerable families whose homes were destroyed."

The latest funding comes in addition to the €2 million (Rs 289 million) already allocated to Nepal at the beginning of this year, with the goal of responding to natural hazards and strengthening disaster preparedness.

Meanwhile, EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic said that, like in previous disasters, the EU remains ready to help those most in need.

“This new aid package will provide shelter to people that have lost their homes and prepare them to face the upcoming winter, while helping with other pressing needs,” he said.

This new funding comes in addition to the already allocated to Nepal at the start of this year, with the goal of responding to natural hazards and to strengthen disaster preparedness, the EU note reads.

An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale hit the hilly districts of Karnali Province -- Jajarkot and Rukum West -- leaving 153 dead and 363 others injured.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Government decides to open embassy in Portugal, appoints envoy too

The government decides to establish a residential Nepali Embassy in Portugal.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers held today took the decision to open a residential embassy in the Portugal, confirmed Minister for Communications and Information Rekha Sharma.

The meeting also decided to appoint Sanil Nepal as the first Nepali ambassador to Portugal, the government spokesperson added.

Though, some cabinet minister claimed that the government's decision to open Nepali Embassy in Portugal has come under Deuba's pressure, the government -- in the last week of October -- had struck a deal to establish a residential embassy in Portugal.

Currently, Nepal has 40 diplomatic missions abroad including 30 residential embassies, 3 permanent missions, and 7 consulates general, for which billions are spent annually from the state coffer. But the investment on these mission has been very nominal compared to the government spending. 

Diplomatic relations between Nepal and Portugal were established in September 1976. It is estimated that around 60,000 Nepalis are currently residing in this southern European country. 

According to the Constitution of Nepal-2015, the President appoints diplomats to their positions after their names are endorsed by the parliamentary hearing committee.

Though, opening a new embassy will incur a financial burden of billions of rupees annually, the government has not been able to lure investment and tourist with the help of these missions abroad. The embassy also has to play a role in strengthening bilateral ties while keeping in mind the interests of Nepal and the rights of Nepali migrant workers.

Though, economists and foreign experts are repeatedly suggesting that the number of embassies be reviewed, the government has been adding the foreign missions. The Prachanda-led government in its budget statement last May had said that it would review the number of embassies. 

Likewise, the cabinet today also passed the directives for operation of social media 2023 with some amendments.

Th meeting passed the directives presented by the legislation committee of the council of ministers with some changes, government spokesperson  Rekha Sharma added.

The Cabinet meeting has also passed the National Vocational and Skill Development Training Academy (Formation and Operation) Order 2023, and the National Vocational Training Center Development Committee (Formation) Order 2023.

Nepal’s trade with China yet to return to normal

With significant disruptions to cross-border trade between Nepal and China stemming from the 2015 earthquake and the global Covid-19 pandemic, Nepal’s trade with China is yet to return to normal. The challenges arising from the sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures impacting Nepali products require prompt attention, as do the specific issues surrounding transportation, connectivity, and logistical aspects, in both exports and imports, opined the experts today during a roundtable discussion on 'Nepal-China Trade: Prospects and Challenges,' organised by South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics, and Environment (SAWTEE), and supported by The Asia Foundation (The Foundation).

The discussion centred on the trade relationship between Nepal and China, examining the challenges within the overall trade ecosystem that have contributed to the lacklustre export performance. According to a study conducted by SAWTEE on Nepal-China Trade, between 2020 and 2022, over 90 per cent of the value of goods exported to China from Nepal were covered by the zero-duty list for the least developed countries (LDCs), but the utilization of preferences averaged 68 per cent.

On the occasion, research officer at SAWTEE Rupesh Tha highlighted -- in his presentation -- that although China stands as Nepal's second-largest trading partner, the trade balance has distinctly favoured China. "It is vital for Nepal to fully harness the advantages of zero-tariff treatment provided to over 8,000 products originating in Nepal and diversify its exports to China," he said, adding that bilateral agreements, such as the trade and payment agreement 1981, are currently outdated and ill-suited to the present circumstances and need to be reviewed. "This is particularly pertinent as Nepal grapples with a significant trade deficit with China."

Former joint secretary at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MOICS) Rabi Shanker Sainju, on the occasion, said that Nepal's trade with China is adversely affected by the high transportation costs resulting from its inadequate logistics infrastructure. "With the evolution of the landscape of the Chinese consumer market, demand for high-quality products has increased, and this must be taken into account when looking to boost exports to China," he added.  

Under secretary at the ministry Achyut Dhungana identified infrastructure and logistics, the negotiation and execution of trade agreements, market access, and the facilitation of cross-border payments as the four key factors that should be considered for enhancing trade with China. He also informed that a meeting has already been held to discuss the review and amendment of the trade and payment agreement signed between the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to enhance bilateral trade relations.

Chairman of Nepal Trans Himalaya Border Commerce Association Ashok Kumar Shrestha emphasised the need for enhancing trust between stakeholders -- public and private sectors -- of the two countries, in addition to improving infrastructure, logistics, and connectivity, to build trust to give a boost to Nepal-China trade ties. Highlighting the need for meeting phytosanitary requirements for the export of Nepali products to China, he suggested establishing a multifunctional quarantine laboratory.

Likewise, former trade secretary Bindra Hada highlighted the longstanding history of bilateral trade relations between the two countries.

Delivering the special remarks on the occasion, joint secretary at the ministry Ram Chandra Tiwari said that Nepal's incentive structure doesn't place enough emphasis on supporting entrepreneurship, startups, and the overall industrial ecosystem, leading to a lackluster export performance.

Moreover, he noted that the three-tiered structure of government under federalism has diminished collaboration between the different levels of government, resulting in ineffective resource utilization and subpar export performance. 

Participants -- including trade experts, policymakers, and representatives from the private sector -- also drew attention to evaluate the trade consequences for Nepal following its graduation from the LDC category in 2026. They further suggested that studies on Nepal-China trade should also look into the impact on trade with China and the existing tariff benefits provided by China, and explore alternative trade agreements and provisions to safeguard Nepal's trade with China in the years after graduation.

Monday, November 6, 2023

UNDP urges swift action and new directions to advance Asia-Pacific's Human Development

The Asia-Pacific region is lurching towards an era of unmet aspirations, worsening inequalities, and a steady erosion of democratic spaces. Rising global tensions, new technologies, growing polarisation, and existential threats linked to climate change threaten to disrupt improvements in well-being the region has seen in past decades, according to a new report from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The 2024 Asia-Pacific Human Development Report, launched today, paints a qualified picture of long-term progress, but also persistent disparity and widespread disruption, foreseeing a turbulent development landscape and urgently calling for new directions to boost human development.

Titled Making our Future: new directions for Human Development in Asia and the Pacific, "that unmet aspirations, heightened human insecurity, and a potentially more turbulent future create an urgent need for change," the report warns that the region faces three converging ‘risk clusters’, ranging from existential threats due to climate change and future pandemics, economic headwinds from shifting globalisation patterns and automation, and a flagging pace of reform due to diminishing democratic spaces, rising populism, and polarisation.

While the region will account for two-thirds of global economic growth this year, income and wealth disparities are worsening, particularly in South Asia, where the wealthiest 10 per cent control over half of total income. 

More than 185 million people continue to live in extreme poverty – earning below $2.15 a day – a number that is expected to climb higher following the economic shocks of the Covid-19 pandemic, the report reads.

“The report underscores that to overcome existing challenges, we must prioritise investments in human development, with an understanding that each nation will tailor its own pathways to do so,” said UN assistant secretary-general and UNDP’s regional director for Asia and the Pacific Kanni Wignaraja. “By fostering a people-first policy and smart growth strategies that put a high value on natural assets, we can pave the way for a future that is not only more secure and peaceful but also sustainable and prosperous for many millions more."

To bring about that change the Report calls for three new directions in human development: to put people at the heart of development, to recalibrate growth strategies to generate more jobs and respect the environment, and to focus relentlessly on the politics of reform and the science of delivery to turn ideas into practice.

It also provides a panoramic view of how in an uncertain future, countries can revitalize development strategies to close existing inequality gaps and reduce human insecurity.

A people-centered strategy must start by expanding choice for everyone by, among other things, tackling structural exclusion, upholding human dignity, and building capability. Tackling structural exclusion is not only the ‘right thing to do,’ it could also produce large economic benefits. Promoting women's equality alone could boost the region's collective annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by $4.5 trillion by 2025, the report further reads.

With external market conditions becoming more competitive, a razor-sharp focus on competitiveness and diversification is essential. The Report also highlights new areas of economic opportunity in the low carbon ‘green economy’ and in technologies, and the region’s rich marine resources that can be optimized and sustained through new technology and investment as part of the blue economy, which is especially important for Small Island Developing States.

"The call for economic growth should be louder, not quieter, as growth remains essential for human development,” UNDP’s chief economist for Asia and the Pacific, and the principal author of the Report, Philip Schellekens said, adding that facing growing headwinds to growth and job creation and the prospect of further disruption, it is time to recalibrate both export-led and domestically oriented growth strategies.

The region’s large informal workforce—about 1.3 billion people—is being left behind, with many workers trapped in low-quality jobs because the formal sector has failed to offer decent employment opportunities. And the region has seen a steady reversal in democratic practices, to a degree last seen in the late 1970s, the report notes, with the pandemic enabling governments to further tighten restrictions on civil liberties. 

To chart a new course, governments would need to be future fit to combat the challenges to come.  It unpacks how a greater focus on making change happen would be rooted in leadership and governance that is more anticipatory, more adaptable, and more agile.

UNDP is the leading United Nations organisation fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet.

Friday, November 3, 2023

CAAN suspends license of two pilots

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) today suspended the license of two pilots.

CAAN spokesperson and deputy director general Jagannath Niraula confirmed the suspension of license of Senior Captain Santosh Shah and Captain Sanjib Shrestha, the pilots of the Tara Air, who were engaged in a physical fight in the premises of the airport at Manthali, Ramechhap this morning.

"The license of the two senior captains have been suspended until further notice due to the breach of the security standard. Their license will be revoked or other action, according to the law, might be taken against them after detailed investigation," Niraula added.

The aviation sector regulator stated that the reason behind the two pilots belonging to the same company resorting to physical fight is not known yet. "A thorough investigation could also result in the revocation of their licenses and the imposition of other punitive measures in accordance with regulations," the regulator said, adding that it has also suspended the station manager of the Manthali Airport.

In the last 10 months, CAAN has taken action against some 20 pilots. "The increasing indiscipline among the pilots has been a serious concern lately," the regulatory authority claimed.

Meanwhile, Senior Captain Shah has filed a case against Captain Shrestha at the police station.

Earlier today morning, a fight erupted between two Tara Air pilots at Ramechhap Airport, raising concerns within the aviation community. The fight occurred at 8 AM, when a TwinOtter aircraft operated by Tara Air landed at Ramechhap Airport from Lukla.

Though, the exact cause of the fight remains undisclosed, the eyewitnesses claimed that they 

"I am currently probing the incident of Senior Captain Santosh Shah, who had piloted the aircraft arriving from Lukla at 8 AM, and Captain Sanjeev Shrestha, who was scheduled to take the aircraft back to Lukla," station manager of Manthali Airport Ashok Thapa aid this morning.

According to informed sources, the fight occurred during the duty changeover. As Senior Captain Shah was heading towards the airport building, Captain Shrestha was en route to the aircraft. The fight began when Captain Shrestha pushed Captain Shah, who had extended his hand for a handshake. Subsequently, a physical confrontation ensued.

Captain Shah reported an injury to his hand and left for treatment in the Manthali market, while Captain Sanjeev Shrestha continued to Lukla with the aircraft. The aircraft and Captain Shrestha have since been grounded at Lukla Airport.

"Sanjeev mentioned that it was a personal matter, and said that he can operate the aircraft," informed the Manthali airport. "Currently, the aircraft and Captain Shrestha remain grounded at Lukla airport, while Senior Captain Shah has been grounded in Ramechhap."

Tara Airlines' spokesperson Sudarshan Bertaula informed that the company is inquiring into the matter. "This fight appears to be rooted in their personal issues and is unrelated to the airline's operations or flights," he said, adding that the company has started internal investigation to ascertain the details of the incident.