Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dairy development policy amendment on cards

National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is planning to amend Dairy Development Policy (DDP-2007) to improve the dairy industry in rural areas and to uplift the livelihood of dairy producers. The board is going to be amended the 12-year old policy that has never been implemented.
The NDDB has planned to regulate and develop the dairy industry making the amended policy more flexible. The draft amendment has changed the provision related to establishment of a dairy fund for the welfare of the dairy industry.
“The government enterprises, cooperatives and private dairy firms would have to pay service tax on each litre of milk to the dairy fund,” the initial draft read, adding that the collected amount would be spent on the development of various areas of the dairy industry. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD) has, however, not endorsed the policy forcing the board to amend it. The board has thus now made the policy more flexible by softening the provision and the dairy fund will be set up through the contribution of stakeholders, which means industrialists are no more obliged to pay service tax for the dairy fund.
Likewise, the draft provision has not changed the policy mostly related to preserving and promoting livestock farming, providing grants and subsidies to farmers involved in dairy industry, providing required machinery, conducting awareness programmes and skill-based trainings along with establishing cold stores and warehouses.

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